by going to the contact us link located in the top of the site and filling out the contact us form.
We need to keep records of all transactions.
The best way to do this is to submit a request, by filling out the contact us form, located on the contact us page. The link is in the bottom of the site.
How to Track an Order
Tracking numbers will be updated on your order page. Login to your account and enter or find your order number. You will see a tracking number once the order has been shipped and next to it will be a small question mark, just click on it and it will bring up the tracking information. An e-mail will also be sent with the tracking information.
How to Return Items.
Send us an e-mail with a brief description, your contact information and order number. All items must be returned with there original packing, in original condition and un-warn. To send us an e-mail, go to the contact us link in the top of the site and fill out the form on the contact us page. Our phone number is reserved for phone orders only. We do not handle returns over the phone. We will e-mail you our return policy and all the information needed to return items once the form is submitted
Why you need to register as a customer with us.
There's a couple of advantages of registering as a customer. First if you don't register as a customer, our system does not retain your contact information, such as phone number or e-mail address. So we can't supply shipping tracking numbers or updates on your order status. So in order to stay up to date on your order status, it is valuable to register.
Our Phone Number is Reserved for Phone Orders Only.